Influence the future of culture and the arts – arrange a Living Room Debate!

Could your living room be a culture salon? Organise a culture discussion together with your friends! The culture and arts scene is constantly changing, but in which direction is a question that any lover, enthusiast and consumer of culture can now influence.

The working group preparing the cultural policy report wants to hear what is being discussed in your living room, with your friends, about culture and the arts. Until the end of February 2024, you can fill in this inspirational questionnaire, and the responses will go directly to the heart of the cultural policy debate.

If you want to bring an external inspirer into your living room, you can ask these people to visit you remotely or in person.

So invite your group of friends, your reading group, your crochet club, your choir or other nice people to your home and influence the direction of our cultural life!

KULTA ry:n graafinen elementti: Piiras. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

The Ministry of Education and Culture gathers views from the cultural sector also with this online questionnaire. You can respond also in English.

Rosa Meriläinen
Secretary General
Central Organization for Finnish Culture and Arts Associations – KULTA ry

Rosa Meriläinen

Rosa Meriläinen on KULTA ry:n pääsihteeri, jonka tehtävä on lobata. Rosa rakastaa idioottivarmoja, selkeitä kuvaustekstejä.
Rosa Meriläinen är KULTA rf’s generalsekreterare.
Rosa Meriläinen is KULTA’s Secretary General.