Central Organization for Finnish Culture and Arts Associations – KULTA ry

KULTA ry is a central organization for support and producer associations operating in the Finnish arts and culture industry. Its purpose is to advance the overall economic growth, operating conditions and social standing of the arts and culture industry.

We want to engage in productive collaboration with all industry actors.

KULTA ry:n graafinen elementti: Piiras. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

KULTA ry's strategy

Positive and influential collaboration!

Our mission:

To increase society’s appreciation of the arts and culture, and to improve the industry’s economic operating conditions.

Requirements for success:

  • KULTA is commonly accepted as the voice of culture when:
  • we demonstrate the extensive benefits of art and culture
  • and we act in a timely manner as a coherent group

In 2019–2023, our advocacy work will focus on:

  • Increasing the culture budget to one per cent
  • Growing creative industries
  • Promoting cultural wellbeing

Our aims for 2030:

  • Culture and art will be a part of life for people from all backgrounds
  • The cultural-political focus will correspond to culture’s significance in society
  • Finland will be a model country for operating conditions for the arts and culture industry


KULTA ry:n graafinen kuosi. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

Culture is part of comprehensive security in Finland

Culture and arts associations and organizations work closely with the National Emergency Supply Agency. What is comprehensive security in Finland?…

KULTA ry:n kuvitusta. Moninaisia taiteeseen liittyviä elementtejä sekä herkkuja.

Influence the future of culture and the arts – arrange a Living Room Debate!

Could your living room be a culture salon? Organise a culture discussion together with your friends! The culture and arts…

KULTA ry:n graafinen kuosi. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

European Green Deal meets cultural heritage

EU recommendations for Cultural Heritage Resilience New EU-report Strengthening Cultural Heritage Resilience for Climate Change includes 10 recommendations and 83…

KULTA ry:n graafinen kuosi. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

Parliamentary elections 2023 – Election Manifesto of KULTA ry: Culture is common capital − increase the culture budget to one percent!

You can download the Election Manifesto of KULTA ry as PDF here. Culture is common capital − increase the culture…

KULTA ry:n graafinen kuosi. Suunnittelija: Jutta Kivilompolo.

Role of Arts in Health Prevention And Promotion – case: Museum of Contemporary Emotions

We’ve been so proud at KULTA ry – a Central Organization for Finnish Culture and Arts Associations, to be able…